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chefkids UX case study
3D charts demo
J.P.Morgan 3D Globe
3D Blood cells demo
Dynamic rate banners
3D flight map demo
3D physics demo
3D space junk demo
GSN pitch deck
snax UX case study section animation
Away3D engine
Game design and development
myuxcv UX case study
User Interface Graphic Design
Interactive jewelry design
Technical and conceptual artwork
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I am a versatile creative engineer, with extensive experience in motion design. I combine art, code, and interaction to create memorable user experiences. As a resourceful problem solver, my strengths include generating multiple working solutions to develop high-fidelity prototypes.
Google UX Design Professional Unity Certified User: Programmer Scrum Master @Scrum Alliance Python Programmer @Python Institute
UX Case studies:
UI Graphic design portfolio:
Key abilities:
2D and 3D Simulations and Games Dynamic & Responsive Websites and Prototypes Interactive and Animated Content Conceptual and Deliverable Art
Experienced with:
Adobe XD
Motion Design
Adobe Animate
After Effects
Vector Art
Low Poly 3D
Game Design
Physics Libraries
Video Editing
Unity 3D
3D Engines

Peter Kapelyan
Creative Engineer / Motion / UX Designer
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This online portfolio serves to highlight my professional experience with UX design; encompassing interactive data visualization, custom programmed motion design, real-time 3D simulations, and high-fidelity prototype development.

Interactive / UX / Multimedia / 3D (Various Clients)
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Developed and delivered successful UX, interactive, and multimedia products for high profile clients including:
Apple: Video edits and final deliverables for MacOS Setup Assistant world language adaptation videos. CNN: Developed 2D & 3D animations for advertisements and promotions. Discover Bank: Developed and animated over 100 banners including versions with real-time APY/APR rates. Eddie Funkhouser Cosmetics: Developed an interactive online catalog book, designed a real-time 3D makeup compact case. ESPN: Built interactive players for video, audio & sales content. Game Show Network: Developed elaborate custom interactive sales tools and presentations. GE Capital: Developed and animated over 100 dynamic banners with real-time APY/APR rates. Grey Goose: Integrated a dynamic video player. J.P.Morgan: Developed several interactive dynamic 3D information globes, built animations for websites and presentations. Samsung: Developed an interactive 3D product catalog for kiosks. Animated and developed a complete season with over 1 hour of episodes, created original 3D content and animations. Sesame Street: Developed several game prototypes, web pages, interactive media, over 100 interactive cartoon animations. Sharp Electronics: Updated a previously made interactive 3D website to include new sections and content. Wilson Sports: Developed an interactive 3D uniform customization website prototype supporting several different jersey and short types, created 3D uniform models.

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UX Design: chefkids (Case Study)
chefkids UX case study
chefkids Objective:
Develop a prototype of a responsive website / mobile app for children that teaches them about healthy food, nutritional information, and how to be their own chef. The goal of the project is to research what is needed for the website in order to provide several health benefits as a public welfare project towards societal good. Utilized the design process, Adobe XD and Figma for wireframes, low-fidelity, and high-fidelity prototypes. Conducted multiple usability tests and iterated on designs. Documented the design process in the following case study.
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Dynamic 3D Charts (Javascript)
3D charts demo
Design an interactive 3D charting solution that is capable of displaying multiple datasets.
Developed a data visualization platform for real-time 3D data analysis. Programmed interactive formulas for dynamic and responsive chart display. Implemented multi-data set interface, enhancing user insights. Utilized HTML, CSS, JavaScript for UI, and three.js for interactive 3D charts.

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Interactive 3D Globe (J.P.Morgan)
J.P.Morgan 3D Globe
Create a dynamic 3D interactive globe presentation to elevate brand interaction and showcase J.P.Morgan's global product offerings.
Developed several multi-functional 3D interactive globes. Premiered at SIBOS convention on a large touch screen and previously online at Engineered for diverse data sets, media, and cross-device control. Implemented a self-guided idle mode tour around the globe and sections. Incorporated full customization through external data sources. Designed intuitive motions, including a lifelike spinning control.
Elevated customer engagement with the brand. Amplified awareness of J.P. Morgan's product portfolio. Attendees and visitors became brand advocates, resulting in repeat visits and recommendations.
The successful execution of this project achieved enhanced brand-customer interaction, increased exposure to J.P.Morgan's offerings, and enthusiastic advocacy from event attendees. The interactive 3D globes proved to be a compelling tool for delivering information and experiences, both online and at the SIBOS convention.

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3D Blood Cells Animation (Javascript)
3D Blood cells demo
Design an interactive blood cell representation for medical education, utilizing real-time 3D rendering and animation techniques.
Developed a responsive, commercial-quality browser based blood cell simulation. Utilized real-time JavaScript 3D for high-quality rendering visualization. Crafted 3D models with intricate rigging and animated bone structures. Employed motion formulas for realistic cell movement.

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Dynamic Animated Banners (GE / Discover)
Dynamic rate banners
Develop and animate compelling banners for GE Capital and Discover Bank that dynamically display real-time APR/APY data, meeting strict guidelines and delivering high-quality results.
Roles and Achievements:
Developer and Motion Designer for hundreds of dynamic, animated banners. Programmed data visualizations and fluid animations. Optimized files for faster loading. Rigorously tested banners across devices. Effectively met client requirements while adhering to industry standards. Delivered dynamic banners showcasing real-time financial data.
As Developer and Motion Designer, I successfully created dynamic animated banners for GE Capital and Discover Bank that displayed real-time rate information. By ensuring high-quality results and compliance with regulations, I contributed to engaging user experiences and effective financial communication.

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Interactive Flight Map (Javascript)
3D flight map demo
Develop a functional browser based world map prototype demonstrating data visualization capabilities, mirroring commercial airline in-flight maps.
Researched the functionality in current in-flight map display systems. Produced a sophisticated, responsive world map for browsers. Engineered the map for dynamic view modes at varying levels of detail and zoom. Designed a 3D airplane model, introducing an optional airplane viewing mode for enhanced interactivity. Programmed a self-guided tour of display modes, allowing automatic viewing or manual control. Successfully recreated the elements of in-flight maps for an engaging user experience.

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Physics Simulation (Javascript)
3D physics demo
Create an interactive simulation that mirrors the real-world operation of a magnetic crane. The goal is to allow users to explore physics concepts and motion through interactive play.
Developed and produced an engaging, responsive browser-based 3D experience that allows users to interact with physics principles. Engineered simplified controls encouraging user interaction and learning through play. Programmed three different gravity settings showcasing real-world physics scenarios. Implemented a scoring system based on calculated formulas that added a competitive and educational element to the experience.

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3D Space Debris Explorer(Javascript)
3D space debris demo
Design an educational interactive representation of space debris, accompanied by visual aids to effectively convey information.
Developed and produced a responsive HTML educational outer-space experience using JavaScript for real-time 3D viewing. Designed custom 2D and 3D models, artwork and animations. Offered 7 distinct view modes and custom camera formulas for exploration of space fragments.

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Custom Sales Tools (Game Show Network)
GSN pitch deck
Develop multiple captivating interactive pitch decks and portable sales tools for Game Show Network to engage users, enhance the sales process, and showcase Game Show Network's value proposition to investors and advertisers.
Developed advanced interactive presentations of Game Show Network's vast portfolio of products. Designed motion, animations, visualized network and financial data. Developed custom game-like elements for entertainment and education. Constructed configurable slide shows and video players. Allowed dynamic data updates and content arrangement. Enabled loading external elements for flexible future updates. Programmed diverse control schemes for various devices. Presented Game Show Network's value to investors and advertisers effectively. Delivered adaptable and entertaining sales tools. Paved the way for new versions based on previous project success.
The interactive sales tools transformed Game Show Network's engagement with investors and advertisers. By combining captivating design, motion, and data visualization, the tool effectively communicates Game Show Network's value proposition. The ability to update content and employ various control schemes enhances usability and ensures the sales tools remain a valuable and engaging sales asset. The success of the projects led to the creation of subsequent versions, underscoring the effectiveness of the approach in improving user experiences and sales outcomes.

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UX Design: snax (Case Study)
snax UX case study
snax Objective:
Design the UX of a mobile app for a movie theater that allows movie goers to order snacks in advance, and avoid waiting on line. Researched existing apps, and completed a competitive anazlysis Utilized the design process, Figma for wireframes, low-fidelity, and high-fidelity prototypes. Conducted multiple usability tests and iterated on designs. Documented the design process in the following case study.
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Maatkara : 13 Animated Episodes ( animation
Spearhead animation production for "Maatkara" on, delivering a captivating 2D and 3D experience to a world wide audience.
Led animation efforts for 13 episodes, totaling 1 hour. Collaborated with producers, artists, and talent to shape animated episodes. Crafted original 3D vector backgrounds, lifelike human motion, and custom special effects. Programmed dynamic movements and 3D animations. Produced and delivered optimized final files to be viewed by millions of online viewers.
As Lead Animator, I steered the production of "Maatkara," an online series shown on By creating diverse animation elements, collaborating with the team, and optimizing final files, I contributed to an immersive 2D and 3D experience. The successful series captivated a substantial online audience, exemplifying the power of collaboration and innovative animation techniques.

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Away3D 3D Engine and Library (
Away3D engine
Contribute to Away3D, a cutting-edge 3D development team and create impactful content.
Designed, developed and produced custom 3D games, models, animations, and projects. Applied a decade of 3D engine expertise and knowledge to assist with new features. Supported documentation creation, testing, community engagement and support. Contributing author to the book "The Essential Guide to 3D in Flash". Provided written content, contributed examples, and assisted with the book's educational value. Designed the book cover, including a custom 3D sea turtle model.
As a core member of Away3D, I played a pivotal role in creating immersive 3D experiences. My rich 3D engine background enabled the development of dynamic and unique content creation. My involvement extended beyond development to documentation, testing, and community support. Furthermore, my contribution to "The Essential Guide to 3D in Flash" showcased my dedication to advancing 3D education and sharing insights with a global audience.

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Game Design (Coding, Artwork, Animation)
Game design and development
Design, prototype, and develop a diverse collection of unique engaging games with original vector and 3D artwork.
One of the very first few developers to use Adobe Flash (Animate) to create a library of independently created online games. Designed nearly 100 unique games. Developed custom formulas and patterns for simple, enjoyable games with a focus on animation and controls. Programmed dynamic movement including physics for realism. Commissioned by Oscar De La Hoya to develop a boxing game for the official fan club. Received "Shocked Site of the Day" award by Macromedia for the game "Digininja." Achieved millions of plays for games on Developed a game arcade with high-score functionality, built using HTML, Javascript, PHP, and MySQL.
The project led to the development of an extensive game portfolio, spanning various genres. By applying innovative design, programming skills, and proficiency in motion, I created entertaining and interactive experiences. Recognition and high play counts underscore the success of these games, contributing to the enjoyment of players worldwide. The development of a game arcade with high-score features further enhanced user engagement and interaction. Because of my many unique and innovative games, I influenced and inspired many other game creators that followed.

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UX Design: myuxcv (Case Study)
myuxcv case study
myuxcv Objective:
Design a responsive portfolio website showcasing successful user experience work history. Utilized the design process, Figma for wireframes, low-fidelity, and high-fidelity prototypes. Conducted multiple usability tests and iterated on designs. Documented the design process in the following case study.
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UI: User Interface (Graphic Design)
User interface designs
My skills include extensive experience in designing computer graphics using creative software such as Adobe Photoshop, XD, Illustrator, Animate, and Figma. By leveraging these technologies, I can create multiple visual solutions with varying looks and themes. This helps to develop working prototypes, which play a crucial role in testing and refining products. Some of my user interface and graphic design talents include: Designing layouts for various screen resolutions and technical specifications. Precisely aligning elements with meticulous attention to detail for pixel-perfect placement. Employing prior expertise in typography and print layout design. Handcrafting custom wordmarks, logos, icons, and fonts through illustration and drawing. Creating UI elements using vector artwork, pixel (raster) graphics, and in 3D space. Enhancing the user interface by animating menu and icon elements. Developing responsive and alternate display modes using HTML/CSS/JS coding.
View UI designs Portfolio (screenshots in PDF format):
View Unity 3D Interactive UI Demo (w/Noesis GUI) :

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Jewelry Design (Artwork)
Interactive jewelry design
Utilize user experience expertise and artistic skills to craft functional and captivating interactive jewelry pieces.
Crafted over 150 original designs, many with intricate moving parts and serve multiple functional purposes. Envisioned and applied experimental techniques to achieve unique aesthetics. Developed innovative concepts for transforming pieces, invoking a sense of wonder. Created 3D prototypes and intricate vector artwork for production.
Leveraging my understanding of user experiences and artistic flair, I designed interactive jewelry that combined aesthetics with functionality. The incorporation of moving parts, hidden elements, and transformative features resulted in pieces that sparked curiosity and delight. By producing 3D prototypes and technical vector files, I ensured the transition from design to production, delivering jewelry concepts that seamlessly marry art and interactivity.

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Technical, Conceptual Design (Artwork)
Technical and conceptual artwork
Creating art out of ideas:
Over the course of several years, I have built a substantial body of original artwork and prototypes by sketching and refining unique concepts. Creating visual art allows me to improve my skills in design, the creative process, critical thinking, and develop successful products, ideas, and merchandise.

Bringing the worlds of art and code together is my passion, and inspires me to create advanced experiences. My resume and portfolio reflect my commitment to designing new interactions, tackle complex situations, and ability to learn new technologies with ease.

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